Multisteps – The world packaging company

Tired of Seeing Packaging Claims That Don’t Hold Up? Here’s how to cut through the greenwashing

It’s crucial to look beyond the marketing “spin” and focus on evidence-based sustainability. Greenwashing is leading people in the wrong direction, especially with tightening regulations and policy changes.

Don’t fall for claims without scientific backing. When evaluating packaging, use a cradle-to-grave life cycle approach that accounts for all inputs (raw materials, energy) and outputs (emissions, by-products, waste). This is how we ensure truly sustainable decisions are made.

Want the facts? A recent Life Cycle Assessment confirms PET plastic outperforms aluminum and glass in critical areas like emissions, energy use, and waste.

Ready to learn more?

Download the Full Report to discover how PET packaging supports your sustainability goals.

Or reach out to Multisteps to discuss how our sustainable packaging solutions can reduce your carbon footprint without compromising environmental goals.

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186 x 136 x 36

170 x 127 x 50

187 x 136 Clear

187 x 136 Black

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